washer and dryer disposal
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Washer and Dryer Disposal

Are you looking for a solution for your washer and dryer disposal? Nowadays, it has become prevalent because these appliances don’t work as great as they did 20 years ago.

Newer washers are almost impossible to maintain and repair; they now require replacement every 5 to 10 years. How can you get rid of your old washer and dryer machine?

However, there are many alternatives to removing equipment such as coffee makers from your home. Luckily, these options won’t cause any damage to your back or even your laundry room. Stay with us and see what options suit what you are looking for.

What’s the Best Washer and Dryer Disposal Method?

Washer and dryer disposal method

What are you supposed to do with your old home appliances? Just like with old TV disposal, getting rid of washers and dryers by yourself can be difficult. Without the right tools, washer and dryer removal can be pretty dangerous.

Additionally, do-it-yourself heavy appliance removal is difficult, but improper disposal can also harm the environment.

Many old appliances contain ozone-depleting chemicals that disperse into the air when left to break down in a landfill. Taking the proper steps to have responsible appliance disposal preserves your health and the environment’s well-being.

These large appliances contain a lot of metal that can be recycled and don’t contain harmful chemicals such as refrigerants. In addition, they are not nearly as heavy as a refrigerator.

These are your best alternatives for a proper washer and dryer disposal:

  • Opt for junk removal companies for an easy solution.
  • Place local ads on multiple websites.
  • Consider recycling programs for an eco-friendly option.
  • Go to a metal scrapyard that may be in your area.

For this reason, they are ideal for recycling. It should be easy to find a local removal company that can dispose of them for you. Don’t forget to disconnect any hoses you may need for your new washer and dryer.

Opt for Junk Removal Companies for an Easy Solution

Personally hauling your washing machine or dryer is not an easy task. Hiring a hauling company like Junk Out could ease your appliance’s moving process. You can place it on the curb or let the company enter your residence and take care of it.

Place Local Ads on Multiple Websites

Place an ad on a social media community group page offering the machines for free. You should specify if you’re willing to deliver the items or if the person needs to pick them up.

Consider Recycling Programs for an Eco-friendly Option

Call your state energy office or your local water and power company if your machines aren’t in good enough condition to donate.  Most of these offices count on trustworthy customer service.

Ask if they have a washing machine recycling program. If so, schedule a pick-up time or find out where you need to drop off the machines—not recycling the proper way your appliance could cause harmful effects to the environment.

Old Appliances Recycling

old appliances recycling

If donating or reselling your washing machine or dryer isn’t an option, recycling is your next best option.

The first and easiest place to check is with the appliance retailer buying your new washer or dryer. The truck delivering your new machine will often accept your old ones and recycle them properly.

Next, you can do a quick search for a local recycling center. Make sure to unplug your appliances a few days before removal. Shutting down will allow them to cool down and provide ample time to clean them out.

You can also check with your local trash or waste management company. Many areas offer bulk pick-ups but they limit how many per year each residence is allowed.

Can Old Appliances Be Recycled?

Larger appliances are often broken down and used as scrap metal. The metal is then recycled by being separated, melted down, and reused in manufacturing.

You can recycle smaller machines containing recyclable materials in local blue bins. However, the rules vary depending on location.

Most household appliances can be recycled, including:

  • Refrigerators
  • Washing and drying machines
  • Ovens
  • Microwaves
  • Toasters
  • Cooking pans

If your washer and dryer set is from before 1972, it might contain mercury that must be handled by a professional. Even if the machines are newer, they can still have dangerous biohazards. Only give an appliance for recycling to a certified appliance recycler.

Go to a Metal Scrapyard that May Be in Your Area

Visit a metal scrapyard: Contact scrap metal recyclers in your area. Many of the components of old appliances can be properly disposed of and used in construction. If one of your local scrap metal recyclers is certified to dispose of old appliances, arrange a collection time.

How To Know If Your Washer/Dryer is Broken

Your old washers and dryers tend to use a large amount of energy and water. And, over time, they can start making a great deal of noise or stop working as well. If your machine is giving these sorts of problems, consider replacing it:

  • Noisy, humming, rattling washing machine.
  • Excessive water consumption and ineffective cleaning of your clothes.
  • The dryer takes too long to work
  • Water leaking or not draining
  • Outdated energy efficiency

Donation vs. Disposal

If your large appliances are less than five years old, it is better to consider donating. Some organizations usually accept these appliances or donate them to local charities and help them struggle out.

Suppose your appliance is not in good working conditions. In that case, the best option is disposal, as you can’t sell it in a precarious state, and it’s unethical. Materials from many larger appliances contain lots of steel and other metals that are infinitely recyclable and shouldn’t be adding to our landfills.

Is There Any Other Alternative?

Whether your dryer or washing machine is on its last spin, or you’re upgrading to a new model washer, there are many options for disposing of these old appliances. Learn how to safely get rid of a washer and dryer while saving time and effort by selling appliance parts.

Sell Appliance Parts

old appliance parts selling

Another option is to sell parts from your old small appliances parts on eBay or a local appliance repair shop. Suppose you are mechanically inclined or have some knowledge of home equipment. In that case, you may decide to disassemble your old device to extract the parts.

These items include circuit boards, motors, or anything that could need to be replaced and therefore would be of interest to someone who performs appliance repair.

Free Appliance Removal

Even if it is an old appliance, people may find some value in the raw materials from the equipment. They will come to your house and remove this equipment for free. Also, they will often disassemble these items and recycle the wire and scrap metal contained within.

Depending on the age of your appliance, they may also be interested in the parts. Suppose you cannot find a free removal service. In that case, you can find low-cost by looking up the pricing of local junk removal companies.

Don’t break your back – or the bank – and let us do the washer and dryer disposal for you!

Call Now: (914) 486-5865