what to do with old computers?
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What to do with old computers? Learn incredible ideas

Are you thinking about what to do with old computers? Regardless of its condition, whether broken or outdated, don’t let it go without first trying a few tips for turning your old pc into a valuable piece again.

Signs to get rid of your old computer

If you still have that computer you bought many years ago when computers were still something new; probably the operating system is not the most updated one. It cannot only be a problem when using new tools and resources but can also expose you to cyberattacks.

Struggling when trying to go back and forth between applications and tabs can be a real problem nowadays. Did you try increasing the RAM and find yourself with a compatibility issue? It’s perhaps time to find a better use for that old computer.

When life happens, and that shiny, brand-new computer has gone through liquid spillage, malfunctioning keyboard, and cracked screens, it won’t be that cheap to replace everything, making it another sign for you to get a new one.

11 Ideas on what to do with old computers

11 Ideas on what to do with old computers

Home server or NAS

Having a home server or NAS is an excellent substitute for conventional paid cloud storage, while also making file sharing easier between devices at home. A great alternative to give your computer another chance to serve.

Upgrade it

Not ready to give up on your old computer yet? There are multiple reasons why the performance of our devices can decrease. Running short of RAM or an old disk drive might be the next option to boost your computer’s life.

What to do with old computers—Donate

Giving back to society never gets too old. Some local schools have programs where students can learn how to repair and resemble, surely they’ll know what to do with old computers.

Make it a home security system

Keeping our homes surveilled and protected can become a challenging task within our daily routines; by connecting the computer to the local network, you will be able to record every activity in your home while also enjoying life.


How about some green actions? It is essential to know how and where to take the waste we produce with our electronics. Most manufacturers have recycling programs as well as some tech-selling companies to help you in the process.

Use dual monitors

Busy schedules demand creative ways. Your new PC could help you check your emails while the old one presents the daily news. A win-win for everybody!

Selling parts to a computer repair shop – What to do with old computers

No matter if your computer only has a few parts functioning, many places offer the benefit of earning extra cash by selling it. It can also become a great way to declutter your home.

Sell it online

From big to small companies and manufacturers, there is a world of possibilities online for your computer with trade-in programs and Amazon sales.

Give it to a friend – What to do with old computers

It never hurts to ask around in case someone requires a computer. From a neighbor to a family member, losing a laptop when you haven’t had time to save up can be a real problem.

Create a starter pc for a non-tech-savvy person

Most of us have that family member or friend who isn’t very friendly with technology and constantly asks for help. By activating the user account control and becoming a remote admin, you can make assisting a lot easier.

Go old-school gaming 

Feeling nostalgic about your childhood video games? No worries, there is hope to play them again. Most old computers have plenty of ports you can use to turn your old PC into a devoted gaming system.

What Else Can You Do? — What To Do With Old Computers

Junk Out Inc. offer e-waste disposal

Knowing what to do with old computers isn’t always easy. There are many exciting and valuable alternatives to bring back to life your old computer. If you have already thought of everything and feel ready to declutter, give Junk Out Inc. a call; we offer from e-waste disposal to yard waste clean-up.


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